Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Spot Check..

Today after meeting...
When the yuin say me "people also talk ghost also talk",
The taekwondo give a paper to teacher,
then teacher say go,
we directly take action at 1R..
At there...
We tell teacher what we wan to do...
Then the pelajar like ditiup angin..
all blew outside..
noisy like...
and like to come in wor..
i shouted go out..
and then yuin er say sila senyap..
Me and how check bag,
the other 2 girl prefect "touch" body..
Then go other places check..
At the end get 2 HANDPHONE...
And smtg...
First experience...
Hope pelajar pls dun langgar peraturan again.
Then save a lot paper.

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