Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Touched by some song..
Really touching.
touch until the bottomest level of my heart.
awake my happiness.
Thanks my friends...
Especially thanks anggota 6S...
although u all laugh me, tease me bully me..
but u all gave me really a lot sweet memory.
dunno which day can reunion with u all.
IN secondary.. i wan~
thanks lee suan cui and lai see how.. This 2 AJK give me a looot guidance..
thanks yan ping and yuin er. with me since primary till now.
ANd thanks many other more.. sit around me.. giv me support.

Although i noe my giving out so much will nt get all back.
But at least a little can cheer me.
Care me more. You are my thread of golden memory.

Those old melody, stil sounds all good to me.
As they melt the years away.~ Ryan

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