Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Angle of 360

Do u understand the defination of 360 degress,
How many ppl can do it every moment?
When criticising or etc,
Can u do it?

Today is an very unlucky day,
cuz all the xiao ren come and xian hai me..
Today dun noe y suddenly so cruel,
giv alot demerit..
but nt my fault actually,
if they are correct they can 上诉,
if they are correct i also cannot giv them demerit ma..
still dunno y so many ppl so fooling,
saying prefect are not good cuz giv demerit,
but they din realise prefect can giv demerit
cuz they did something wrong,
Only think about their self,
without 360 angle of thinking..

Dun say the pupil,
me myself can do thinking of 360,
But not very often lar..

Tell u all,
today gt a stupid ppl,
his second name is last four of aphabelt,
very ming xian,
But u guess all ppl name,
i also will say no,
cuz now not the time,
But my fren noe lar..
He pinball me like hell la,
I hate him...
He will pinball me cuz he din look things from 360 angle,
he is stupid friendless rotten ugly,
hope he will change,
in the time i also will change,
Changing into a ppl can look every cases with clear vision.
Hope the justice will help me torments against this type of demon..

Dear readers,
i think we giv demerit sure got our reason lor,
they din did smtg wrong we cant giv,
so no worry...
Justice stand against us,
except u did something wrong,
K la, I gonna have a rest...
And be a 360 clear vision ppl,
the wrong one will not hide under the justice forever.

May god bless my reader and I.


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