Saturday, June 20, 2009

Model vs Prefect..

As in usuall,
prefect are the model of students..
But not using the criteria of Model to choose a prefect..

I really angry that time,
cuz my good fren come and tell me,
The meaning conversation is almost like this,
they wan choose model arr,
not prefect arr,
muz liang zai tall and cute and famous
and like by opposite sex one arr...

Then i noe i hopeless lo,
make up my mind and tugas like normal,
That day 豁出去 ler..
But damn angry,
juz like preforming on the stage and bite by mosquito,
The facial expression wont reveal anything
but the heart really no good...

But the second day,
I got my surprise..
And a good heart ppl come and tell me,
u dun have any big mountain and must worked hard for urself,
And i asked,
y the "model" can be chosen,
This is the world of dirty/ meterialistic/ rasuah
and the model got big mountain and the mountain shaped like this,

sorry lah my reader, my drawing is bad,
the ppl is almost like that la,
Beware!! But if she/he loved u,
then u qian tu wu liang..
AH ha ha ha...
Does the ppl fixed to be a model of student??
I dunno la,

And also i feel teacher also hav to have an eye on the Chosen One,
not serahkan all kpd org yg tdk BTGJW.
tetapi ada orang yang tanggungjawab juga...

post how u feel in my chatbox..
thanks for reading this article...

raging beast,
PS: the picture is copyrighted

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