Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sun, Moon and star

Sun moon and star,
are very common things in this world,
their use are different,
Sun shines the world,
Moon give an comfortable atmosphere in the night,
And star decorates the sky..

I dun wan to be a moon but be a sun,
As moon is reflecting sun's light to let ppl see him.
Not that mean moon is not useful,
is useful,
but its use less than a sun.
A sun produces ray by its own,
dun need to hang on with other,
very independent,
And star,
will u like to be just a decorate in the stage of life?
If u are willing to do so,
i speechless.

Life's a stage,
the character is chosen by thou,
Which character u will choose?
Main character? Sub character?
Which u wan to be?

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