Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Frenz in SABS,
I think some of them already forgotten somebody that are
same class b4 but different school now,
So miss some of them...
Like ah too,
and some other more...
long time no see,
perhaps i also living in their forgotten path gua,
we not same school,
sure will slowly slowly forget de la,
How cruel are you har,
Of course,
I hope we remember each other always la,
Std 6. From March to september we keep study study study,
no see each other,
after UPSR is the sweetest memory we share...
Dunno u all can remember until when leh..
In new environment,
we got new friends,
also not to forget old fren,
i remember my ji nian ce,
got one sentence called,
dun forget old fren,
maybe this is the meaning lorhx...

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