Tuesday, September 15, 2009


another malang come visit me,
these day.
I saw many of my fren fighting over each other,
dunno fight until so bad for wat,
they too "zhi zhuo"...
One ppl wan be big wife,
my fren d sister wan pretasi,
the Big Wife always thinking about powers more than frenz,
suddenly feeling unsafe with the Big Wife,
cause dunno when she will come and "hai" me...
katak buruk ingin makan daging angsa,
wan leng lui wor,
and say this say that,
throw him in KL la...
almost all ppl around me is,
de zhui ren duo d,
so unsafe,
and i feeling one of my fren ship is in danger,
anyway i will try to rescue this frenship,
as it is important to me...
My cheng jiu wan thanks two ppl,
two male two female... Ha ha
anyone who see this and Know what i mean pls dun say it aloud,
lost something gain something,
gain some new frens,
but left some month then hard to see them liao...

Those long days passing by from that door like late summer they slowly fade away

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